We have joint liability for the debt. 我们对于那笔债务负有共同责任。
Whichever information published by the member, this site can't be irresponsible for legal liability and joint liability. 凡会员自行发布的任何信息,本网站对其内容不负任何法律责任及连带责任。
The new partner shall undertake joint liability for the debts of the partnership enterprise incurred before he enters into the partnership. 入伙的新合伙人对入伙前合伙企业的债务承担连带责任。
Assure the center was offerred to the loan of borrower assure, whether doesn't development business need to offer level sex for the bank again did joint liability assure? 担保中心对借款人的贷款提供了担保,开发商是否就不需要再为银行提供阶段性连带责任保证了?
A letter of duty guarantee as issued by a bank or a non bank financial institution shall be of the mode of joint liability guarantee. 银行或者非银行金融机构的税款保函,其保证方式应当是连带责任保证。
About the application of law when it concerns the prescription of action in foreign-related joint liability guarantee cases, there isn't a united way in domestic legal practice up till now. 关于对外连带保证案件的法律适用,我国审判实践尚无统一的做法。
Effectiveness Analysis of Joint Liability Loans in the Specific Context of Our Country 农户联保贷款在我国特定背景下的有效性分析
Partners of the partnership patent agency shall bear unlimited joint liability for the debts of the patent agency; 合伙制专利代理机构的合伙人对该专利代理机构的债务承担无限连带责任;
Hence my unease when some politicians and economists call on the eurozone to take a sudden leap into fiscal union and joint liability. 因此,当一些政客和经济学家呼吁欧元区立即实现飞跃、建立财政联盟并发行共同债券时,我感到不安。
Article 130 If two or more persons jointly infringe upon another person's rights and cause him damage, they shall bear joint liability. 第一百三十条二人以上共同侵权造成他人损害的,应当承担连带责任。
If the supervising units collude with the contracting units in order to reap illegitimate profits for the contracting units, which has resulted in losses on the part of project owners, the supervising units shall bear joint liability for damages. 工程监理单位与承包单位串通,为承包单位谋取非法利益,给建设单位造成损失的,应当与承包单位承担连带赔偿责任。
If a Association wins the bid, the parties thereto shall jointly enter into a contract with the tenderee and assume joint liability over the winning project to the tenderee. 联合体中标的,联合体各方应共同和招标人签订合同,就中标项目向招标人承担连带责任。
In civil law theory, civil legislation and civil judicial practice, joint obligation and joint liability are often hard to distinguish from each other. 摘要在民法理论、民事立法和民事司法实际工作中,连带债务和连带责任往往被混为一谈。
They will move from separate to joint liability of sovereign debt guarantees, possibly leading eventually to a eurozone bond. 它们会从互相独立地承担主权债务担保义务,转变为共同承担,最终可能还会出现一种欧元区债券。
Answer: assure after the center holds water, should assure only the center is offerred to individual housing loan assure, can absolve development business to offer level sex to the bank accordingly joint liability assures. 答:担保中心成立后,只要担保中心对个人住房贷款提供担保,就会相应免除开发商对银行提供阶段性连带责任保证。
At its peak, the redemption pact would be huge: the joint liability would amount to € 2.3 trillion. 在顶峰期,赎债协议的规模十分庞大:联合债务总计约为2.3万亿欧元。
In discussing the several tort undertaking with unreal joint liability, this article poses the concept of unreal liability and the constuction of several tort undertaking unreal jiont liability. 在承担补充责任的数人侵权行为中,论述了补充责任的概念、承担补充责任数人侵权行为的构成以及与其他数人侵权行为的区别。
Supplementary liability is an independent form, which is different from proportionate liability, joint liability and no real joint liability. 补充责任不同于按份责任,也不同于连带责任、不真正连带责任,属于共同责任中的一种独立形态。
Application of law over the joint liability under the case's of compensation for personal injury 海上人身损害赔偿案件连带责任的法律适用
Research on Several Legal Questions about the Joint Liability System of Civil Affairs 民事连带责任制度若干法律问题研究
To define the joint liability of gang members has a factual significance to tort legislation in China. 在侵权法中规定团伙侵权行为的连带责任对我国侵权立法有现实意义。
This instrument must involve some joint liability for government debts. 新的债券投资品种必须包含一定得国债连带偿付责任。
It is a new trend that all the members should be charged with joint liability for the damages caused by tort of gang. 团伙侵权行为造成他人损害的,全体团伙成员承担连带责任是侵权法最新的发展趋势。
Partners shall undertake joint liability for their partnership's debts, except as otherwise stipulated by law. 合伙人对合伙的债务承担连带责任,法律另有规定的除外。
In our country, the claim pattern of the current joint liability is a free claim pattern. 我国现行连带责任的求偿模式是任意求偿模式。
Firstly, the particularity of the joint liability assumed by the actual carrier and NVOCC is pointed out; 首先,分析了无船承运人与实际承运人承担连带责任的特殊性;
Second, the third party and debtor bear joint liability; 二是第三人与债务人承担连带责任;
The joint liability between actual carrier and carrier is the unreal joint liability. 对实际承运人适用过错推定的归责原则。其中,对承运人与实际承运人的责任承担问题进行了较为详细的阐述,指出承运人与实际承运人之间的连带责任是不真正连带责任。
The third part of road traffic accident tort joint liability legislation and application. 第三部分道路交通事故侵权连带责任的立法与适用问题。
Medical institutions and sellers 'liability is not really joint liability. 6. 医疗机构和销售者与医疗器械生产者之间是不真正连带责任。6。